
“I Am No Better Than a Man” - Where Has Female Desire Gone?

The Pink Car Gang is the Grand Theft Auto Discord Group Recontextualising Girl Gaming

‘I Only Want Advice From People With A Full Bush’: The Power Of Pubic Hair

Non Threatening Boys*: “Montoya por favor” and Big Feelings

Feeling Seen: The Social Currency of the Comment Section

Gen Z’s Pretend Apoliticism and the Friend Who’s Too Woke

Buttoned up to the TOP: How Gen Z are Turning to Puritanism

Sabrina Brier on Misogyny, Internet Fame and ‘That Friend’

Non Threatening Boys*: The Good Children Are Healing, Together

Why Are Age Gap Romances Gen Z’s Biggest Taboo?

From Cottagecore to Tradwife: How Retrofuturism in Fashion Predicts Fascism

Hannah Berner on We Ride At Dawn, Facing Reality Tv Vitriol and Using TikTok as the Ultimate Open Mic Night

TikTok Tarot Readers, Spiritual Psychosis and How Magic Lost Its Spark

Youngmi Mayer on Writer’s Block, Balancing Emotions and Finding Humour in Sadness in Her New Memoir, “I’m Laughing Because I’m Crying”

Non Threatening Boys*: A Brian Jordan Alvarez Emergency

From Sweatshirts to Baseball Caps: Unpacking The Mental Health Apparel Boom

Non Threatening Boys*: Levi and William are Hitting All the Right Buttons

Charley Marlowe on I Kissed A Girl, British Camp, and Her Dream Brunch Programming

Share This To Ten People Or Be Cursed Forever:How Chain Mail Took Over TikTok