The Sleepover Club: The Death of the Influencer

From TikTok stars being called out for complaining about their working hours, to those with millions of followers bragging about helping the homeless in the same breath in which they tell us they're spending $90 a day on coffee; are we living through the death of the influencer?

As each online personality merges into a homogenous face of capitalism, we're sick of those with more power than us telling us how to spend our money and what to like. But what comes next?

This week Ione and Eden are tracing the rise and fall of influencers, as well as discussing what type of content creators are ushering in the next era of social media power.


The Sleepover Club: Digital Retrofuturism and the Influence of Internet Nostalgia on Fashion


The Sleepover Club: How the Media Have Spun the Cost of Living Crisis Into Poverty Porn