The Sleepover Club: Digital Retrofuturism and the Influence of Internet Nostalgia on Fashion

From 'They Don't Build Statues of Critics' t-shirts that echo Britney's 'Dump Him' moment to Twilight baguette bags to controversial 'Father, Son and Holy Spirit' bikinis. We're obsessed with in-jokes, memes and internet nostalgia and their influence on fashion is more prevalent than ever.

But why are we suckers for a reference? And why are fashion brands like Praying and Heaven by Marc Jacobs gravitating towards an aesthetic that mimics the early days of the internet?

This week Ione and Eden are discussing digital retrofuturism in fashion and the life cycle of fashion brands that rely on a pop culture reference or a meme to remain relevant and the early days of the internet aesthetic making a comeback.


The Sleepover Club: Society of the Spectacle and How Filming Strangers For Content Became Common Practise


The Sleepover Club: The Death of the Influencer