Introducing Confessions!

Got a secret? We wanna hear it! This is the first episode of our brand new format, Confessions; coming to you weekly with the conversations everybody else is too afraid to have. Think deep dark secrets, gossip, listener feedback, advice segments, and loads more! If you want to get something off your chest then we're here to relieve the pressure.

On this episode, we're discussing your thoughts on our Performativity episode, and whether gender performativity should be separated from discussions surrounding activism. We're also on hand to offer one of our lovely Dollhouse members advice on life after higher education.

But most of all, we want to hear from YOU! Send us your secrets, or thoughts on previous episodes, to, leave a review with your gossip, or drop us a DM on Instagram. No scandal is too big or small, we'll dissect it all!

xoxo your gossip gremlins


The Sleepover Club: The Depths of Cynicism


The Sleepover Club: The Return of F O M O