
The Sweet East - America Through the Eyes of a Teenage Girl

Mommy Issues, Greta Gerwig and Defining Ourselves Through Family

Film Fatale: Now I Am Become Barbie, Destroyer of Patriarchy

The Madonna-Whore-Victim Complex: Fat Girl and Piggy

Finding a Queer Feminist Cult Classic in Charlie's Angels

The Wicker Man, Home County Horror and the Desire to Go Back Into the Woods

Film Fatale: Prozac Nation, Girl, Interrupted and the Sad Girl Legacy

Spoiler Warning! TikTok’s Cinema of the Supercut is Ruining Film Watching

Why Does Hollywood Keep Making Biopics?

What Under The Skin Taught Me About Being a Woman

Film Fatale: Alice Guy-Blaché Made The First Narrative Film

Film Fatale: Party Girl and the Existentialism of Your Early 20’s

Culture Slut: Showgirls and Pulling Back the Curtain on Showbiz

Why Are Fictional Cannibals So Hot?

Film Fatale: Carnival of Souls and Lamenting and Anxiety in the American Midwest

Pearl and The Internet's Obsession with Feminine Rage

The African Desperate and the Achingly Accurate Depiction of Art School

The (Bad) Taste Test: In Crimes of the Future, David Cronenberg Says Trans Rights

Feminist Filmmaking Peaked with Women-In-Prison Exploitation Films