
Film Fatale: Picnic at Hanging Rock and Australian Gothic

Film Fatale: Small Towns, Stephen King and Cinematic Grief

Chelsea Wolfe on Rebirth, Witchcraft and Embracing the Liminal

Film Fatale: The Match Factory Girl, Fallen Leaves, and How Aki Kaurismäki Values the Bleakness

Film Fatale: May December, Female Orientated Cinema and How Todd Haynes is Keeping the Melodrama Alive

Film Fatale: In Defence of Misery’s Annie Wilkes

Film Fatale: House of the Devil, Haunted Homes and Liminal Spaces

CMAT is Your New Favorite Pop Star

Beating the ‘Industry Plant’ Allegations: An Interview with The Last Dinner Party

Stop Looking for Su Tissue of Suburban Lawns: On the Inappropriate Nature of Internet Sleuths

Film Fatale: Marie Antoinette, Lick the Star and the Visual Language of Sofia Coppola

Film Fatale: Alice Guy-Blaché Made The First Narrative Film

Zhong Xian on the Surrealism of Animation

Film Fatale: Party Girl and the Existentialism of Your Early 20’s

Bros Before is the Film Adding the Fun Back into Trans Representation

Film Fatale: Ginger Snaps and Unnerving Girl Autumn

Film Fatale: Watching Badlands During a Heatwave