The Sleepover Club: To Routine or Not to Routine?

To routine or not to routine? That is the question. While we know trying to maintain any semblance of structure through this absolutely wild time makes sense in theory, we're struggling to get out of bed in the morning. Shakespeare may have written King Lear in isolation, but all we're managing to do is obsessively scroll Instagram, practice Tiktok routines, and play games on our phone.

This episode, Olivia and Ione will chat about why there's no point in being harsh on yourself if your quarantine routine is non-existent. We'll also be chatting about the role of astrology and horoscopes while we're all stuck indoors; are we still checking our astrology apps? Do they mean anything anymore? Can you trust the cosmos when we're all struggling to remember which day of the week it is, let alone how the planets are aligning?

We're also thrilled to have Dream Wife front-woman Rakel Mjöll joining us all the way from Iceland to recommend films to watch while ignoring the rest of the world.


The Sleepover Club: Seems I'm Full of Rage


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