The Sleepover Club - Cloutbombing & the Need to Remain Culturally Relevant at Any Cost

Brad Troemel has coined a term to describe the diversity quota meme-laden photoshoots that take over our feeds these days - Cloutbombing.

But what does the term actually mean? Are brands referencing digital culture in an attempt to stay culturally relevant? And are we doomed to play into the hands of cloutbombing forever more?

This week on the pod Ione and Eden are getting into cloutbombing, consumer theory, the need to prove that The Scene is back!, No Logo by Naomi Klein, hyper niche online subculture and those big red boots.


The Sleepover Club: How Misogynists are Using Infographics & Pseudoscience to Fuel Anti-Feminism


The Sleepover Club: How Ozempic Killed Body Positivity and Why We Need Gross Girls More Than Ever