Sleepover Club: The Current State of Self Care with Chloé Pierre of Thy.Self

In a special edition of The Sleepover Club, we're joined with Chloé Pierre, founder of Thy.Self; a wellness space aiming to actualise self care, self love, and diversify the wellness industry. 

With people around the world taking to the streets to protest police brutality and racial inequality, we wanted to have an open conversation about what self care means in the middle of a global movement; from the personal and community based self care, to it's political origins and recent commodification. 

How do we move beyond online individualism and foster meaningful communities? How do allies best contribute to the cause? What actions must brands take to step up? Chloe offers all of her insight on these subjects and much more — from why and how she started thy.self, and what she learned from years in marketing, to how she fosters meaningful conversations in online spaces, and everything in-between.

The Polyester Podcast is brought to you by Polyester's founding editor in chief Ione Gamble (@ionegamble), and co-hosted and produced by Olivia Graham. Polyester is a self published culture zine exploring intersectional URL feminism in the IRL world. Have faith in your own bad taste!


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Obsessions: Ambivalently Yours on Wholesome TV