Maraschino’s March 2025 Horoscope
Words: Maraschino
Make it stand out
March is going to be pretty bonkers and probably life-altering, in different ways for each and every one of us. The eclipses this month will be closing chapters and opening new ones. The retrograde cycles of Venus and Mercury will be asking us to review what we love and value, and how we approach communication.
Although we’re fully in Pisces season until March 20th, I keep forgetting because everything already feels so Aries-coded. On March 1st, Venus stationed retrograde in Aries, where she’ll stay until March 27th, when she returns to Pisces. When Venus retrogrades, she’s asking us to reassess and test the status quo. In Aries, she’s pretty feisty, defiant, and wants what she wants - yesterday. On a personal level, this period is asking us to evaluate what (or who) we love, as well as what we truly desire — regardless of what others may think. Collectively, we’re reviewing how much we value our freedom, and what we’re willing to fight for in order to preserve it.
On March 14th, the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo will be kicking off the Pisces/Virgo nodal eclipse cycle that will be playing out all the way into 2026. An emotional period of endings and conclusions, we’ll all experience it differently depending on where Virgo resides in our charts.
Photo: Gina Canavan
Venus retrograde is one of the best times to abstain from activities like cosmetic procedures (especially from the neck up, as Aries rules the head), entering into romantic or business commitments, lavish spending, and other overindulgences until April 12th when she stations direct. Between now and mid-April, expect past relationships to resurface for review — whether they’re exes, old friends, business partners, or others.
When Mercury enters Aries on March 3rd, communication will be direct and to-the-point, which can err on the side of impatient and volatile if emotions are running high. When Mercury retrograde hits in Aries on March 15th (lasting until April 6th), the likelihood of communication breakdowns is further amplified. It’s important more than usual during this cycle to try to keep it cool, to the best of your ability. There will be no shortage of rage bait, and this is a marathon not a sprint. As always during Mercury retrograde, backup your data, triple-check important texts and emails before hitting send, avoid signing contracts, and prepare for possible travel snags.
Key Dates:
March 1: Venus Retrograde in Aries
March 3: Mercury enters Aries
March 13: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
March 14: Mercury Retrograde in Aries
March 20: Sun enters Aries + Spring Equinox
March 27: Venus Retrograde Re-enters Pisces
March 29: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries
March 29: Mercury Retrograde Re-enters Pisces
March 30: Neptune enters Aries
The astrological New Year begins on March 20th, when the Sun joins Venus and Mercury in Aries. Venus will continue its backspin into Pisces (where she’ll be a little more pleasant) on March 27th, followed by Mercury on the 29th. Some of the intensity of this period will be diffused and with some luck, a bit more harmonious.
While there will likely be plenty of opportunities for “character development” this month, it’s all catalyzing us to explore new horizons that align with our highest ideals. When the Solar Eclipse in Aries hits on March 29th immediately followed by Neptune’s ingress into Aries on March 30th, we will have a chance to pursue a new dream individually and collectively, with the lessons and revelations of this retrograde cycle fresh in our hearts and minds.
Advice from the Tarot: The Hermit
Withdraw from distractions and seek your own truth. Trust your inner wisdom as you navigate the changes and shifts this month.
For you, Aries, this will be a month of self-reflection, personal growth, and an emphasis on health matters. With the Sun in your 12th house of the subconscious, healing, and closure – there will be a focus on introspection, dreaming, and recharging before your birthday season begins on March 20th. As Venus retrogrades through your 1st house of self, the focus will be on refining how you present yourself in the world, physically and personality-wise. Mercury entering Aries on March 3rd will bolster this cause, enhancing your self-expression and heightening your ability to communicate clearly and confidently. The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14th will bring a powerful moment of clarity regarding your health, daily habits, and work life. You’ll be taking inventory of what you need to release or adjust in order to align with your long-term well-being. Are you working so much that you don’t have time for anything else? How do you feel about your diet and sleep routine? The following day, Mercury will join Venus in retrograde motion through your 1st house, encouraging you to refine your image, reconsider your personal self-expression, and work through misunderstandings regarding your self-presentation. When the Sun joins Venus and Mercury in your sign on March 20th, you’ll be feeling a little more locked in, as the Sun is exalted in your sign. Venus and Mercury will re-enter Pisces on March 27th and 29th respectively, adding some dreaminess to the air and maybe inspiring you to lean into your creativity behind the scenes. The Solar Eclipse on March 29th in your 1st house, followed immediately by Neptune’s move into your sign the next day, will set the stage for a transcendental new chapter of self-realization.
Advice from the tarot: 7 of cups
Choose what aligns with your authentic self. While there may be many opportunities presented to you at this time, only a select few of them truly resonate with your values and long-term goals. Let go of illusions, and trust your intuition to guide you towards what feels real and authentic.
While the month begins with the Sun in your 11th house of friends, social networks, and dreams - a lot of your focus will be directed inward as Venus, your ruler, retrogrades through your 12th house from March 1st until the 27th. Venus in this area of your chart often illuminates hidden feelings and long-buried desires, and is an ideal time to explore spiritual practices such as meditation, journaling, and any creative outlets that allow you to tap into your subconscious. Mercury will join Venus in this area of your chart on March 3rd, further amplifying your desire to reflect inwardly, particularly on past communications and thought patterns. The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14th will fall in your 5th house of romance, creativity, and self-expression, making it a time when you could see the culmination or completion of a creative project, love affair, or phase in your relationship in order to shift focus to something new. The energy drain will be really real when Mercury stations retrograde in your 12th house on March 15th, and with the Sun joining the party on March 20th, you’re probably going to feel your best laying low or working behind-the-scenes. These moments of quietude can reveal deeper personal truths, and bring clarity in terms of personal healing. On March 27th, Venus will re-enter Pisces in your 11th house, followed by Mercury on the 29th, prompting a review of your friendships and long-term goals. Are your friendships still aligned with your core values? Are the dreams and goals you once had still relevant to you? Pay attention to your insights on these matters during this period, and align your actions accordingly. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries in your 12th house on March 29th marks a new beginning in your inner world, and as Neptune moves into Aries on March 30th, a new phase of spiritual awakening begins.
Advice from the tarot: 4 of pentacles
Maintain healthy boundaries, and know that it’s okay to retreat from people or situations that disturb your peace.
March begins with the Sun in Pisces in your 10th house of career and reputation until the 19th. However, with Venus retrograding through your 11th house, a lot of your shifting your focus will be placed on your friendships, goals, and community connections in order to understand what you truly want in these areas of your life. The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo will have an impact on your 4th house, perhaps marking a turning point in your foundation, home life, or with family. Emotional clearings, renovations, or changes in your living situation are possible at this time. When Mercury stations retrograde in your 11th house on March 15th, you may find yourself reconnecting with old friends or revisiting projects you once set aside, resolving conflicts in group dynamics, and reassessing your hopes and wishes. From the 20th on, the Sun will shine a light on your 11th house as well, encouraging you to surround yourself with dynamic, like-minded individuals who inspire and support you. As Venus and Mercury retrograde back into Pisces on the 27th and 29th, you may encounter hiccups or misunderstanding in regards to career, that will ultimately inspire you to make any needed adjustments to support your long-term vision. The Solar Eclipse in your 11th house on March 29th, marks a brand new beginning in terms of friendships, organizations, and wishes. It’s a great time to collaborate, network, and dream big. When Neptune moves into your 11th on March 30th, your intuition and creativity will be heightened in social settings, and perhaps inspiring you to join spiritual groups or humanitarian causes. Surround yourself with dynamic, positive, uplifting people as they’ll help you grow and thrive.
Advice from the tarot: Queen of Wands
Take bold action on your desires, and inspire others through enthusiasm and confidence. Let your passion and courage light the way.
With the Sun in Pisces in your 9th house until March 20th, some of your focus will be on expanding your horizons through higher knowledge, philosophy, or travel to foreign lands. As Venus retrogrades through your 10th house of career on March 1st, you will be reassessing if your present career path aligns with your highest ideals. While this is a great time to redefine success on your own terms, it’s not recommended to jump careers until after the retrogrades. Mercury will join Venus on March 3rd, making it a time of heightened communications in the workplace, with increased opportunities to showcase your professional skills. The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14th can mark a turning point in your relationships with siblings, or local community. It may be a time when a long standing issue in this area is brought to a conclusion, and the healing process can begin through clear and heart-felt communication. The following day Mercury will station retrograde in your 10th house, which may bring some setbacks or delay in the career department. Use this period to tie up loose ends, revisit old projects, and clarify your long term goals, but wait until Mercury goes direct to make any major career shifts, since you may not have all of the deets at this time. When the Sun enters Aries in your 10th house of career and honors on March 20th, bold and confident efforts at work can lead to significant recognition and success. Venus will retrograde back into Pisces on the 27th, followed by Mercury on the 29th, asking you to reflect on what inspires you and how you can align your goals with your higher purpose. The Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29th marks a powerful new chapter in your career. For the next 6 months, whether through a new job, entrepreneurial venture or creative project, you’ll be booked and busy with a lot of eyes on you. This is a great time to dream as big as possible, as you are likely to have the energy and follow through to realize these dreams. Finally, on March 30th Neptune will move into your 10th house, adding a spiritual and visionary vibe to your career aspirations. Trust your instincts as you navigate this new chapter.
Advice from the tarot: 6 of swords
Move forward with an open mind and heart. Whether through travel or a shift in perspective, this is a time to leave the past behind and embrace new horizons.
For you, Leo, the month begins with the Sun in your 8th house of transformation and intimacy, and Venus retrograding through your 9th house of higher knowledge. You’re being asked to re-evaluate your beliefs and philosophies and whether they are aligned with who you want to be. This is a time to reflect on what truly fulfills you and let go of anything that doesn’t. Travel plans, publishing projects, or higher education may face delays or require reworking - embrace the process, as it’s guiding you toward greater clarity. As Mercury enters Aries on March 3rd, you’re inspired to broaden your horizons through travel to foreign lands, study, or philosophical pursuits. The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo in your 2nd house of finances, values, and self-esteem presents a powerful moment to reassess what truly matters to you in the material sense - and let go of anything you’re not married to, so to speak. The next day Mercury will retrograde through your 9th, continuing the theme of reviewing philosophies, and belief systems. Use this period to refine your vision and align with your true desires. The Sun will enter Aries on March 20th, bringing enthusiasm, curiosity, and the opportunity for new experiences whether through foreign travel, study, or spiritual growth. As Venus and Mercury shift back into Pisces on March 27th and 29th, you may be called to focus your attention on matters of intimacy, shared resources, and deepening connections with others. Financial matters such as loans or debts may require attention. The Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29th marks an exciting new beginning in your quest for knowledge and adventure, whether through travel, education or a new philosophical perspective. Neptune will join the Aries party in your 9th house on March 30th, boosting your intuition and creativity in matters of exploration and spirituality. You may feel drawn to mystical, musical, or artistic pursuits and new mentors can enter your life to illuminate your path.
Advice from the tarot: The Moon
This is a time for shadow work and emotional healing. Be cautious of hidden motives of your own and others.
With the Sun transiting through Pisces and your 7th house in March, partnerships - both professional and personal are a big focus for you. Doubly so as Venus retrogrades through your 8th house of intimacy, joint resources, and transformation. This can be a time when you are called to fearlessly assess your deepest desires and fears in terms of partnership, sexuality, and intimacy, and how your current circumstances - attached or otherwise - feed them. As Mercury enters your 8th house on March 3rd, conversations with partners may intensify as you are called to communicate hidden issues with more vulnerability and honesty. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your 1st house on March 14th, will catalyze you to release out-lived versions of yourself in order to embrace a more authentic way of being. It’s time to let go of perfectionism and self-criticism, and embody your true self with confidence and clarity. Mercury will retrograde in your 8th house the following day, perhaps pushing past issues surrounding intimacy, shared resources or debt to the surface in order to be healed. On March 20th, the Sun will enter Aries, increasing your focus on positive transformation and helping to clear any psychic debris that’s preventing you from living life to the fullest. When Venus and Mercury will re-enter Pisces March 27th and 29th, you may find you’re able to approach murkiness and misunderstandings in partnerships with more compassion and patience. This is also a time when karmic connections may surface. The Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29th initiates a 6 month period of transformation, whether through financial planning, emotional healing, or deepening your bonds with others. As Neptune enters Aries in the 8th house, you may feel drawn to explore spirituality and mysticism through intimacy, however, it’s important to be mindful of illusions or confusion regarding shared resources.
Advice from the tarot: The Sun
Celebrate your blessings and successes, and nurture your inner child. Share your gifts and talents with others.
March begins with the Sun in your 6th house of work, routines, and health - and Venus retrograding through Aries in your 7th of partnerships - romantic and professional. A lot of time will be spent tapping into what you truly want from your relationships, as well as seeking closure and healing in this arena. While past paramours and business partners may certainly resurface, it may be best to steer clear unless it truly seems like a fresh start is possible. When Mercury enters Aries in the 7th house, communication surrounding partnerships can become more direct and assertive. It’s a great time to set clear boundaries and expectations. The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo will invite you to release self-sabotaging behaviors, hidden fears, and outworn patterns. Unexpected contact with past loves or unresolved issues could arise, providing an opportunity to find closure or resolution. Mercury will station retrograde in Aries on March 15th, increasing the likelihood of communication breakdowns and misunderstandings with others, but can forge a path to healing and growth if you’re up for it. When the Sun enters Aries on March 20th, your urge to merge may re-emerge either romantically or professionally, with a dynamic and exciting partner. Venus and Mercury will be re-entering Pisces in your 6th house of work and routines on the 27th and 29th, however, so if it’s a professional partnership you’re considering, make sure it aligns with your highest ideals and vision for the future. The timing is great for exploring upgrades to your diet and health regimen. On March 29th, a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries kicks off a smoldering 6-month cycle in your relationship house, opening the door for new love or renewed love with a current partner. When Neptune enters Aries on March 30th, you may find yourself drawn to more spiritual or mystical types, just be mindful of misunderstandings or illusions. Explore new connections with clarity.
Advice from the tarot: Page of Cups
Keep your heart open to new opportunities for love and self-expression. Make time to explore your creativity.
With the Sun in your 5th house of pleasure until March 20th, and Venus retrograding through your 6th house of work and routines until March 27th, your focus will be on striking a balance between romance and the daily grind. A lot of re-evaluation of your habits will be in order as you determine what amounts to the most fulfilling and efficient use of your time. Are you smoking a pack a day or toiling away at a job you can’t stand? Do you have enough time for romance, creative expression, and fun? When Mercury transits through Aries starting on March 3rd, you’ll be interested and invested in exploring new ways to approach your routine. On March 14th, the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo may cause a shake-up in a friend group, that, to put it nicely, frees up space for new connections that better align with your values. Take this time to reflect on your standing in the world and how you fit into your community. Mercury retrograde begins on March 15th, potentially creating strain or miscommunication in the workplace. Co-workers may be acting foolish. Try to keep it cool, and transmute environmental wackness into fuel to reconfigure your routine. When the Sun enters Aries on March 20th, you’ll probably find that you’re motivated to explore new horizons in the wellness department, as well as embrace opportunities both personally and professionally. You might also feel called to bail on an unsatisfactory job at this time, which I whole-heartedly support, but it is my duty as your humble astrologer to advise against any rash decision-making until after the retrogrades end in April. Venus and Mercury will backspin into your 5th house of romance and creativity on the 27th and 29th, returning your focus to matters of the heart, creativity, and other sources of entertainment. This is a great time to revisit unfinished artwork, songs, and long lost date spots. On March 29th, the solar eclipse in Aries will kick off a 6-month period of new work opportunities, and health practices. With Neptune moving into Aries the very next day, there will be an emphasis on pursuing holistic practices that support the mind-body connection, as well as work-life balance.
Advice from the tarot: The Fool:
Embrace the unknown with an open heart and curiosity. Don’t worry if the path ahead isn’t clear - just take the leap and trust that the universe will catch you.
March is all about transformation for you, Sagittarius, and it begins with some deep soul-searching around your home, family, and sense of security. Venus will retrograde through your 5th house of creativity, fun and romance until March 27th, prompting you to rethink what truly brings you joy. Are your hobbies and romantic endeavors feeding your soul, or are they just distractions? Use this time to reassess what sparks your passion and whether you’re authentically pursuing your desires. Past lovers or forgotten creative projects may resurface, pushing you to evaluate whether they still hold value for you or if it’s time to move on. If you’ve been neglecting your inner muse, now is the time to lock in. Mercury’s entrance into Aries on March 3rd will fire up your 5th house, enhancing your creative focus and ability to express yourself. You’re probably more willing to take risks at this time as well. On March 14th, the Lunar Eclipse in your 10th house could mark a turning point in your professional life. You might receive recognition for your efforts, or conversely realize it’s time to move on from a career that no longer serves you. Whatever the case, this is a time to evaluate whether your career goals align with your deeper sense of purpose. When the Sun enters Aries on March 20th, you’ll feel a burst of energy toward creativity, fun, dating, and self-expression. “Follow your bliss” as they say, and trust that it will lead you to where you’re meant to be. Venus and Mercury will re-enter Pisces on March 27th and 29th, shifting the focus back to your home and family life. This is a great time to redecorate, renovate, or explore other ways to create harmony in your house. You may also experience revelations about family dynamics around this time. The Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29th, followed by Neptune’s arrival in Aries on March 30th initiates a period of exciting and otherworldly new beginnings in the realms of romance and creativity.
Advice from the tarot: The Hierophant
The Hierophant asks you to follow your moral compass and rely on established systems of support, whether that’s family, faith, or a strong community. Use this time to solidify your roots and make decisions that align with your values.
March starts off with Sun in your 3rd house of communication and immediate surroundings, drawing your attention to how you connect with those in your orbit. There’s a natural curiosity and desire to interact with the world around you, whether through casual conversations or short-distance travel. Venus will be retrograding through your 4th house from March 1st through the 27th - prompting you to reassess your living situation or emotional foundation. While it’s not ideal to plunge ahead with a big move or changes around the home, it’s a good time to be curious about what you need to feel truly supported. You may also reconnect with family members or revisit issues from your past that need closure. Mercury will begin its transit through your 4th house on March 3rd, further emphasizing home-related matters. Communication around your home or family can intensify, and you might find yourself revisiting past conversations or resolving misunderstandings. Pay extra attention to practical matters related to home maintenance and family obligations. The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo in your 9th house of travel, higher learning and beliefs, initiates a time of spiritual growth and expanding your perspective. You’re being asked to let go of outdated beliefs or rigid ideas at this time. When the Sun joins Venus and Mercury in your 4th house on March 20th, you may feel called to make changes to your environment. Avoid making any big purchases related to housing or cars until after the retrogrades, as you may have buyer’s remorse later. When Venus and Mercury retrograde on March 27th and 29th, you’ll likely be reconnecting with siblings and locals, reflecting on how these relationships have evolved over time, as well as if they still align with your current values. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29th sets the stage for a fresh start in regards to your foundation. Whether it’s moving, renovating your space, or making important changes in your family life, new opportunities that support your emotional growth will present themselves. Neptune’s entry into Aries on March 30th will bring a wave of sensitivity to your home life. You may seek out a living situation by the water, or in a more mystical environment.
Advice from the Tarot: The Lovers
Prioritize relationships and emotional connections that elevate your consciousness. Trust your heart and intuition to guide you towards what will bring the most fulfillment in your life.
This month, Aquarius, the universe is bringing your attention to two important areas of your life: your material security, and how you communicate with others. With the Sun illuminating your 2nd house of values and possessions until March 20th, you’re focused on what you have, what you need, and what makes you feel secure. This is a good time to assess your financial situation, refine your approach to personal finances, and look at ways to improve your income. Venus will be retrograding through your 3rd house of communication, short trips and local connections from March 1st through the 27th, inviting you to reassess your relationships with others in your everyday environment. You may feel a need to distance yourself from people who no longer align with your values or interests. During this time, communication with others may feel a little more strained, so try to be patient and give the benefit of the doubt when you can. It may also be helpful to implement a “less is more” approach to your social life at this time. With Mercury entering your 3rd house on March 3rd, you’ll probably experience a surge in mental energy and fast-paced communication, and find yourself juggling multiple tasks and running errands. Conversations with friends, neighbors, and siblings can be especially stimulating during this period. The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14th activates your 8th house of transformation, shared resources, and psychological matters. Issues surrounding intimacy, trust, and shared finances may come up for release and healing. You may also find yourself questioning your deepest values and motivations for the sake of psychological or emotional transformation. As Mercury retrogrades in your 3rd house on March 15th, communication SNAFUs are pretty likely so maybe just say less, until the air clears. Be mindful of snags related to short-distance travel as well. The Sun will enter Aries on March 20th, lighting up your 3rd house and making it an opportune time for brainstorming new plans related to learning, short trips, writing or speaking. The Solar Eclipse in your 3rd house on March 29th brings fresh starts related to how you communicate with others. This could manifest as a new way of expressing yourself or new connections with people who inspire you. When Neptune moves into Aries on March 30th, an element of mysticism and imagination will begin to characterize a lot of your daily interactions. It’s also an excellent time to pursue artistic forms of communication such as visual art, music, or poetry.
Advice from the Tarot: 6 of Pentacles
Reflect on balance and fairness in your material life. Be generous with others, and accept generosity from others in equal measure.
Happy birthday, beautiful Pisces! March starts off in your 1st house of self and identity until March 20th, characterizing a period of rebirth and reinvention. However, with Venus retrograde in your 2nd house of possessions, and resources, you might feel a little push-pull in regards to self-worth and values. Now is the time to separate your identity from your material possessions, and reflect on how you can find comfort and security in healthier, more fulfilling ways. Rethink your current financial strategies and habits before making big decisions. Mercury will join Venus on March 3rd, bringing a focus on your finances and communication surrounding them. This is a great time to dream up new ways to increase your earnings or find innovative solutions to financial challenges. The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo in your 7th house of partnerships on March 14th may signal a profound shift in your one-on-one connections. If a partnership has been in need of adjustment or realignment, this eclipse could push you to make important decisions. You may consider whether it’s time to let go or take things to a deeper level. For single Pisceans, this eclipse can bring clarity about your desires in a relationship. Mercury will retrograde on March 15th, urging you to revisit your financial situation, self-worth, and material possessions. You may need to make adjustments to your income streams, rework your budget or rethink how you handle financial resources to align with your long-term goals. Be careful about impulsive or hasty spending during this period. When the Sun enters Aries on March 20th, you’ll feel especially motivated to improve your income, acquire new possessions, or solidify your financial foundation. Venus and Mercury will retrograde back into Pisces on March 27th and 29th, prompting reflection on how you want to be seen and whether your image truly reflects your inner self. This is a great time to address any unresolved issues surrounding self-image or the way you present yourself in the world. The Solar Eclipse in your 2nd house brings a powerful new beginning in matters related to finance and self-worth. New income opportunities, as well as new perspectives on what truly matters to you are likely at this time. When Aries moves into Neptune on March 30th, you may begin to shift your perspective on how to approach material matters, with less concern placed on the practical side of money and more focus on the spiritual and emotional aspects of security. Lucrative opportunities related to music, art, and other forms of creative expression are possible.