Kenzie TTH is Capturing Every Day Life in the ‘Robin Hood’ Music Video
Robin Hood is about a time when everything was exciting; nothing felt certain, and that was absolutely fine. There was this naive blind faith that everything was going to work out, because it just had to. The video plays out like a slightly more surreal version of a day in my life a few years back, going to meet a friend to catch up about how we are, who’s doing what, where we’re going and usually why things aren’t panning out the way we thought they might.
Throughout the video I’m bumbling around, taking the scenic route, and stealing shit from various people I encounter, only to show up at this friend’s door at the end with everything I’ve accumulated. That’s Robin Hood to me — acknowledging that you might be a little lost in the moment, you might not have everything together, but turning to your friend and being like “here’s a bunch of stuff I thought might cheer you up, you’re going to be fine”. This song has an optimism that I really try to tap into when I’m running low on vibes. There’s a wistfulness about it that really evokes those feelings, and I tried to capture that in the video.
A BBYTTH Production | Directed by Kenzie TTH | Producer & 1st AD: Elaina Mensing | Executive Producer: Grace Sheridan-Share | Director of Photography: Morgan Sinclair | 1st AC: Laura Aguilera | Gardener: Lesley Aggar | Man at the Gym: Tony Martin | Man at the Bus Stop: Lukas RK | Special Thanks to Charlie’s Corner Shop | Stills grade: Louis O’Connell | Video grade: AboveGround | Song Credits: Kenzie TTH - Robin Hood | Written by Kenzie TTH and Tev’n | Production: Leon VynehallHyroglifics, Jack Chard | Edit: Karolis Jonikas