Genesis is the Editorial Exploring Glamour’s Ambivalence
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This series is a response to the standards of femininity within fashion that society has created and challenges its modern rituals of seduction. These images confront a contradiction of an emotional ambivalence modern glamour can have on us by how we are simultaneously freed by fashion yet also constricted by old ideas. The works of art the models wear challenge the stereotypical views on Romanian culture by using latex to express a contemporary state of view. The latex ages as the models do and serve as a metaphor for our identities as women being in a constant flux. (You can see the change in color of the garments between the models).
Fashion photography is used as a language to unveil how much pleasure and detachment fashion can provide. I photographed these two women in a dreamlike underwater environment to show ideas of free flowing in an inorganic way as our pleasure is almost a synthetic sensation as it becomes what we think it’s supposed to be; but we now take it back. A new world is created through the collaboration of the 6 women creators where females can rewrite their destinies and reclaim their expressions through extensions of their skin.
Words & Photography: Aqua Rose | Designer: Lorena Beatrice Pipenco | Models: Tiarra Nicole Pearson & Shauna Lee | MUA: Mina Elise | Production Assistant: Stephanie Rommelt