Angel on Speed Dial: Why are Pisces always described as somewhat dumb?

YOU ASKED: Why is Pisces always described as somewhat dumb?

Well, because of the way we see “dumb.” 

Pisces is as intuitive and connected to the ether as it gets. 

Having one foot inside of this world and one foot “outside” of it (aka in the web of the unknown, the spiritual, etc) can often come off as aloof or daft if we don’t honor the great work it is to straddle both dimensions. 

Pisces energy, ruled traditionally by Jupiter, is here to push us as a collective, to rethink how we relate to ourselves, the earth, and all that is precious and transient, in general. 

In our go-go, “make things happen” world, we don’t see people who can sit with a flower for hours or cry at most anything as someone with strong attributes, but what happens when the world as we know it has collapsed, crumbled, or formed into something new? The people that are adaptable, present, and aware of all dimensions of reality are the ones we look to- I mean, all eyes are on mystics, right now, right? As we experience the most crisis we’ve seen in a while, if not ever? 

There is something to be said about being called “dumb” by others when their lens of intelligence has been molded by an unsustainable world. 

We need people who push the boundaries of our current world and who aren’t afraid to be outcasted or ostracized for how and who they are, because soon their ways of being will be the ones everyone can’t get enough of.

I’d say keep being you, Pisces, the world needs it now more than ever.


You Asked: How seriously should we take compatibility readings?

Depends on who is giving the reading and how much of the people’s charts they are considering. 

An effective compatibility reading usually requires a well-rounded astrologer with deep commitment to their practice and the art of human connection, who is looking at all aspects of two (or more) people’s charts (it also helps if the Astrologer has *met* the people), but this is rarely the case. 

Most internet compatibility offerings are short-sighted and don’t take into consideration all that needs to be considered in order to offer valuable insight into the complex world that is created when two beings come together. 

Astrological compatibility can be an extremely useful tool for understanding and can help deepen two (or more) people’s ability to really see each other and their relationship for what it is, and thus make more informed decisions together and show up to things like conflict without feeling so out-of-control, but it is also an exploited field. 

So, how seriously should you take random compatibility offerings or readings? As seriously as you want to, because I trust that you’ll be able to recognize if the information you’re receiving feels right to you, or if it’s something to dismiss.

My advice for receiving accurate compatibility information? First, check your intentions for why you want to know your compatibility with someone- make sure it’s not coming from a place of wanting to control the outcome or from fear or scarcity of any kind. Then, once you’ve identified it’s coming from a healthy place, find an Astrologer you trust, and ask them some questions about their process for determining compatibility. If you like their way of doing it, then their services are probably right for you. 

What’s missing in a creative career that hasn’t started yet?

Well, starting it! 

Creative fields are literally built to mold, change, and evolve. If what’s keeping you from moving forward with your ideas is not knowing “how,” remember that you’re a creative which means you are the one who visions new pathways and introduces the collective to new ideas! 

If there was ever a time to begin, it’s now- we need people who think outside of the box and bring light and intrigue and beauty to the world, especially when things seem “hopeless.”

I can guarantee you we need whatever you bring to the table. The only thing that is missing is a little faith in yourself, some elbow grease and momentum to get your project moving, and letting us see what you’ve got!

Words: Jaliessa Sipress


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